EC, EC has not yet approved the new Senate, will hold a meeting tomorrow morning after the office was asked to examine additional information. The Election Commission meeting was scheduled for 1:00 p.m. to consider the announcement of the results of the Senate election, including complaints about the process of selecting the senators. This was the second time the meeting had been considered, following yesterday. However, today's meeting did not reach a conclusion on whether a new group of senators would be announced. The meeting was scheduled for another meeting tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. It was reported that today the meeting considered the agenda on the announcement of the results of the senator election, but it was seen that there were still some issues that the EC office needed to further investigate in terms of the senators elected to ensure that there were sufficient facts for the vote to announce the results of the senator election. If there is clarity in this information, it will allow the EC to conside r whether or not it is appropriate to announce the results. Source: Thai News Agency