Bangkok: The Cabinet has approved new regulations to tighten control on electrical appliances related to hair and skin care, microwave ovens, and deep fryers. These measures aim to bolster domestic competition with foreign manufacturers and safeguard consumer safety.
According to Thai News Agency, Ms. Sasikarn Wattanachan, Deputy Government Spokesperson, announced that the Cabinet has endorsed a draft ministerial regulation requiring hair care, fur, or skin care electrical appliances to adhere to the newly established TIS 60335 Volume 2 (23) - 256564 standard. This regulation supports the advancement of domestic manufacturing technologies while ensuring consumer safety. Manufacturers and distributors must obtain a license within 180 days following the publication in the Government Gazette.
The Cabinet also sanctioned a draft ministerial regulation for deep frying machines, mandating that these appliances contain no more than 5 liters of oil. This aligns with TIS 60335 Volume 2 (13) - 2021 standards, reflecting current academic and international advancements. Affected manufacturers and importers are required to secure a license within 180 days of the announcement in the Government Gazette.
Furthermore, the Cabinet has approved a draft Ministerial Regulation for microwave ovens and combined microwave ovens intended for home use. This regulation sets new standards as per TIS 60335 Volume 2 (25) - 2022 to align with the latest academic and international standards, ensuring consumer safety. This will take effect 270 days after its announcement in the Government Gazette.