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Meteorological Department warns of strong winds in southern region – Gulf of Thailand In other regions, the weather is cooler.

Bangkok, The Meteorological Department has issued an announcement warning of strong winds in the lower Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea during 24 - 27 January 2024. From Nakhon Si Thammarat Province down, waves will be 2 - 3 meters high and you must be careful of waves. that washes onto the shore Meanwhile, in other regions, temperatures dropped due to a moderate to strong cold air mass spreading to cover the Northeast and the South China Sea. Ms. Karnwi Sitthijiphak, Director-General of the Meteorological Department, signed the announcement regarding strong winds in the lower Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea during 24 - 27 January 2024 due to the moderate northeastern monsoon blowing over the Gulf of Thailand and the southern region. Power is getting stronger This characteristic causes heavy rain in some places in the lower South. Wind waves in the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman are getting stronger. In this regard, the upper Gulf of Thailand area from Surat Thani Province upwards. Waves were about 2 me ters high. In the lower Gulf of Thailand, from Nakhon Si Thammarat Province down, waves were 2 - 3 meters high. In areas with thunderstorms, waves were more than 3 meters high. In the Andaman Sea, waves were 1 - 2 meters high. Waves were more than 2 meters high offshore. We ask that people living on the southern and eastern coast be careful of the dangers from waves hitting the shore. Boaters in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea should navigate with caution and avoid areas with thunderstorms. Small boats in the lower Gulf of Thailand should refrain from leaving the shore. For other regions, the weather is cooler. From January 24 - 26, a moderate to strong cold air mass still spreads to cover the Northeast and the South China Sea. But most of them went into the sea in the early days. There is a southeast wind. Blowing moisture from the Gulf of Thailand to cover the upper southern region. As for the upper level winds (700hPa: 3 kilometers from the ground), westerly winds blow over the northern region. Upper Northeastern Region causing rain to occur in some places in the said area Temperatures in the northeastern region dropped 2-3 degrees Celsius, while in Bangkok and surrounding areas, temperatures dropped 1-2 degrees Celsius. From 27 January - 2 February, the cold air mass has weakened. The wind is weak. The direction is variable, with southerly and southeast winds blowing over it. As for winds at 500 hPa (5.5 kilometers from the ground), there are still westerly waves. Blows cover upper Thailand Causing rain/thunderstorms in some areas in the northern, central, and upper northeastern regions. Temperatures are rising, clouds are increasing, there is rain in some southern regions. The wind waves are weakening. Source: Thai News Agency