Muang Thong Thani, Dec. 8 - “Bhoomtham” confirms that this government is moving forward fully in eradicating corruption. Aiming at building confidence in foreign countries. Please don't be dramatic. The Prime Minister is not attending the event. The reason for the crash was to provide a policy to solve debt.
Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce said After presiding over the ceremony, he announced his intention to fight corruption. On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, he said that the fight against corruption in any government must be strong and active. This matter must be treated as a national agenda, which everyone is uncomfortable with because it has been a critical matter for a long time. It also destroys the country's resources and credibility.
“The government is serious about this matter and will take full action. It will be publicized for children and youth to know. Help persuade parents to work together to solve the corruption problem. This government firmly confirms that Corruption will be dealt with fully. No matter what level it happens, the government will go in and fix it fully,” Mr. Phumtham said.
This year marks the first year that the Prime Minister did not attend the event announcing his intentions on International Anti-Corruption Day. Will there be drama or not? Mr. Phumtham said that we must ask for kindness not to be dramatic. Because the Prime Minister has a mission to solve the problem of informal debt. The time of the press conference is the same. The Prime Minister therefore assigned himself and several government ministers to attend the event. It is considered that we did our best. And I would like to confirm that it is not related to the Prime Minister and does not oppose corruption. The government sees this as an important goal. It is the heart of the country in building credibility with foreign countries. including investors They also want to create peace of mind for the people.-316.
Source: Thai News Agency